So you’ve decided to get your business up and rolling on social media; it’s finally time to get serious about your online presence! You’re going to market your services to consumers far and wide, educate the masses about your top-notch products, and generally advertise your brand to every human being on the internet. Here’s something you may not have thought to include in your game plan: Make them laugh.
“But,” you sputter, “Marketing is no laughing matter! I want my social media platforms to be all business, a call-to-action on every post! I take my company seriously and demand that my audience do so as well.”
Yes, by all means take it seriously—but don’t be boring. The fact is, you have a better chance of building your audience and keeping them engaged by sharing content that provokes emotion…and who doesn’t love to laugh?
Whether it’s a #FunnyFriday Facebook post or a tongue-in-cheek tweet, humorous content garners more attention and boosts shareability. Suddenly, people are giving your dental practice’s Facebook page a closer look. Your roofing company’s Twitter account has gained a few new followers. Customers will associate positive feelings with your business and will be more likely to refer you to others. Why? Because making people laugh makes you memorable.
Look at it this way: No customer enjoys interacting with someone who is overly aggressive with their sales approach, showing no personality and making no attempt to connect on a human level. A good businessperson is relaxed, relatable, and doesn’t bombard you with sales attempts. The same idea applies to your social media presence! Ideas for entertaining posts might include cartoons, funny references to recent events, memes, comical pictures of employees or pets—even a caption contest for a goofy photo. It can relate to your business, like this:
Or it can be completely random, like this:
Give your followers a break from the cut-and-dry service advertisements. Humor is refreshing, mood-boosting, and will set you apart from other posts that social media users are scrolling through. Throwing some funny posts into the mix gives your page more humanity, which ultimately promotes a feeling of camaraderie and trust. (Nobody trusts a robot.)
Final words of wisdom: Remember to use good judgment. If your business is inherently serious (e.g. a funeral home), ixnay on the okesjay. Professionalism should always be the highest priority! That leads me to the next piece of advice: Be tasteful with your humor. If a joke or image teeters on the edge of inappropriate, play it safe and don’t use it. It’s not worth offending your followers and risking your reputation. Lastly: “Moderation in all things.” Avoid overdoing it with the funny posts—you don’t want your page looking like Comedy Central but having no real substance. Strike a good balance between advertising your services and making people smile. This company looks like they’re nailing it:
The post GetPhunny: Humor as a Marketing Strategy appeared first on GetPhound.
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