Every once in awhile, some thought leader in the Internet marketing industry comes out with a piece asking “Is SEO dead?” and then pronouncing it officially deceased. The articles usually claim that some other aspect of digital promotion has replaced it: social media , paid search , web design —you name it. But the truth is, SEO is like a cockroach in a nuclear apocalypse, it can’t die. Not unless Google dies, which seems unlikely in the near future.
Yes, social media, paid search and web design are all incredibly important, especially for big brands that rely on large-scale campaigns and a global reputation. (For example, it may be more important for Home Depot to work on their holiday commercials rather than rank on page 1 for “fence installation hoboken nj.”) But for small- and medium-sized businesses who can’t and shouldn’t spend money on holiday commercials, SEO is one of the most important and affordable steps to increasing traffic and generating leads.
Good question. Perhaps they’re jealous. But more likely, it’s because SEO looks a lot different now than it did when it first appeared. In fact, it changes quite frequently as Google’s algorithm for ranking search results evolves.
When folks first started to optimize for search engines, they stuffed their websites full of keywords in unnatural and repetitive ways. It looked something like this:
Google is smart enough now that it looks at text like that and flags it as unhelpful and pushes it down in the rankings. So “keyword stuffing” won’t help you.
What will help is unique content that is useful and targets specific, carefully researched keywords . Let’s break that down:
Content marketing is a huge part of SEO (arguably the huge-est ), but it’s not the only part. You may have fantastic blogs with keyword-rich content that satisfies the curiosity of searchers from here to the Andromeda galaxy, but without some of these other elements, it won’t help much.
The answer to this question is: most likely. A good SEO agency will be able to tell you where your website falls short in terms of SEO and have a plan for fixing it. Every business is unique with a unique audience that searches unique terms, so make sure you get a plan that is tailored to you. Do some research on what local SEO will cost you and reach out to an expert for advice. Consultations with GetPhound are always free, so give us a shout !
The post Is SEO Dead in 2018? appeared first on GetPhound.
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