Trying to boost a post but getting an error message saying “Boost Unavailable” or “This Post Can’t Be Boosted” or something similar? Wondering what the heck is going on and why you can’t just give Facebook your money?
There are a handful of reasons you can’t boost your post on Facebook (including a temporary glitch that might resolve itself in a day or two!), so read on and see if any of the following apply to your post.
Sometimes you’re able to submit a boost but then after it reaches the “In Review” phase, the boost gets rejected.
There are actually dozens of possible explanations, and they’re all listed on Facebook’s advertising policies page . For the sake of brevity, we’re going to dive into two common causes of confusion, and then show you how you can edit your post.
Here are two big “thou-shalt-nots” of Facebook that might trip you up:
The policy that causes the most confusion is “personal attributes.” It’s certainly not intuitive, so here are some examples of generic posts that might be denied, and how to edit them for approval.
In this instance, the problem is not with “trouble sleeping”—the problem is “you!” You can talk about insomnia, you just can’t imply that the person reading the post is an insomniac. (How dare you be so presumptuous.)
Don’t use the word “other” to reference a personal characteristic. Your post can be directed at seniors, but be careful not to isolate them with the word “other.” For more advice on abiding by the personal attributes policy, read it here .
There are many more reasons why your boost could be denied: issues with video ads, target audiences, positioning, Facebook’s brands. Of course, there’s also prohibited and restricted subjects, but we’re going to assume you’re not posting profane or controversial content. (If you are—cut it out!) If it’s a simple, well-intentioned social media post, there are steps you can take to get your ad approved.
Getting your boost denied is pretty annoying, but at least you have the opportunity to edit and resubmit your ad. Here’s what you can do:
We know Facebook advertising and boosting posts can be confusing, so we hope this blog sheds some light on the subject.
If so, get in touch! We have SEO and Paid Advertising strategies that can give your biz the extra help you need to get in front of more potential clients and turn them into repeat customers!
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